Virtual Backpack

Virtual Backpack is a place for Morton 709 families to receive flyers and other information from the district, schools, and community organizations. 


How do I submit a flyer?
All flyers must have approval. To get the flyer approved, please bring a hard copy of the flyer to Carolu Kizer at the district office, located at 1050 S. Fourth Ave. Morton, IL. 


1 to 1 Technology

Apple Family Share

If you own a iPhone, iPad or Mac, one way you can be more connected to your child’s Apple ID activity is through Apple’s Family Sharing program. Apple’s Family Sharing program allows you to share purchase made with your Apple ID to up to 6 people, share photos and calendars, find devices and set controls so that you approve all app downloads. Click "go" to view the document that helps you set up this feature.

Apple ID

How to create Apple ID's for students and how to manage/remove payment information associated with the ID.

Common Apps

A brief explanation of many of the common apps used in the district.

Connectivity Issues

Troubleshooting steps if you are having trouble connecting your iPad to a network.


The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) applies to operators of commercial websites and online services (including mobile apps) directed to children under 13 that collect, use, or disclose personal information from children.

Email Etiquette

Expectations for students when they are using the District's email system.

Email Issues

Troubleshooting steps to help if you are having trouble with your district email.


Common questions that are asked regarding the personal computing initiative.

iPad Apps

Lists of the required apps for the district's iPads and the prohibited apps. The lists change as needed, so please continue to review for the most current information.

iPad Damage Procedure

Procedure for damage or loss of iPads.

iPad Educational Expectations

The expectations for using the iPads in class.

iPad Restrictions

The district restricts certain features on their iPads. How parents can add additional restrictions.

iPad Troubleshooting

Having troubles with your iPad? Here you will find a flowchart for support and additional directions for troubleshooting steps.

iPad User Agreement

For purposes of this Agreement, all personal computing devices issued by the district are designated as “iPad”. This term should be interpreted broadly to include district iPads, other tablets, laptops, or any other district issued equipment, which includes a computer processor.

Parental Technology Tips

Hints for successfully navigating technology integration in the home.

Securly Parent Portal

Securly is the web filter used by District 709. Learn more about the features Securly has to offer parents here!

Student Safety Tips

Tips for keeping kids safe with electronic devices.

Community (Not Endorsed by MCUSD 709)

Box Top$ for Education

Earn 10 cents for each Box Top collected for your child's school. Click below for more information.

Kroger Rewards

Supporting our schools has never been easier. When you shop at Kroger, just scan your Plus Card.
It’s that simple.
Here’s how to enroll.

District Online Forms

Asthma Action Plan Form

Elementary Limited Excused Absence Form

Flash Drive Order Form

Use this form when ordering a Flash Drive copy of an event taped by the MPTV crew.

Loan of Assistive Technology Devices For Student Use

McKinney-Vento / Homeless / Displaced Students Information

Local liaisons using this resource will improve schools' effectiveness in working with homeless children and youth through identification, provision of appropriate services, and increased awareness and sensitivity among school personnel working with homeless students.

School Medication Authorization

All medications to be administered during school hours are to be kept in the office in the original container. A medication authorization form, which details the administration of the medications, must be signed by a parent. The required form is filed in the office. An asthma inhaler, which can be kept in a student's or teacher's possession, is the only exception, as indicated by the required medication authorization.

Special Education Referral Form (Parent Request)

Special Education Referral Process

Special Education Release Form

The Special Education Record Release grants permission to release special education records or secure records from another school or agency.

Voluntary Student Accident Insurance

Go online to review benefits and purchase coverage directly at

Volunteer Information Form

General Information

Erin's Law

Tech Resources

How To Set Screen Time Restrictions in iOS

Steps to help parents set up Screen Time Restrictions in iOS12

PowerSchool Features

Available features when accessing your students online through PowerSchool.

PowerSchool Parent Accounts

How to create a Parent account to access your student's grades online through PowerSchool.

PowerSchool Password Recovery

How to reset your password on the PowerSchool app or PowerSchool webpage.


Directions for opting into receiving text messages regarding announcements and updates from the from the district.

Setting up RevTrak Account

RevTrak is the online payment system Morton District 709 uses to accept online payments for student fees and lunch balances. These are directions for setting up your RevTrak account.