PTO Information

Lincoln Elementary School PTO Committees and Functions


Volunteer opportunities are abundant at Lincoln School. You can volunteer as much or as little as is comfortable for your schedule. No amount of help is ever too small. Each of these committees has a chairperson who often needs various amounts of help to be successful. Please read each of the following descriptions to see if there is an area that would best fit your talents. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Each member of the PTO board is happy to help explain more about these chances to be a part of the PTO. Thanks for taking the time to consider your part in making Lincoln’s PTO the phenomenal group that it is!


Walk-a-thon Fundraiser Committee:

Responsible for coordinating walk-a-thon fundraiser. Other responsibilities include keeping track of donations, awarding prizes, and disseminating information to teachers and parents regarding turn-in dates and prizes. This is the ONLY fundraiser the PTO does. 

It runs from Mid-September to early October and funds the majority of our PTO budget.



Responsible for gathering and reporting PTO, principal, and faculty information in a monthly newsletter.


Handbook Committee:

In August, this committee spends about 4-6 hours collating and binding the Lincoln Grade School Handbook.


Hospitality Committee:

Volunteers are needed to donate treats, desserts and/or side dishes, as well as to help run the kitchen during special school functions including: First day of school for parents/guardians of kindergarten students, Meet the Teacher Night, Staff Appreciation Week (full meal), Open House, and Fine Arts Day.


Spirit Committee:

Responsible for raising school spirit and building pride that comes from being a part of a community. Some of these opportunities include the We Care canned food drive (fall), Coat drive (fall), coordinating spirit week (March), and Teacher Appreciation Week (May)


Volunteers Committee Chair:

Responsible for organizing volunteer lists for committee chairs.


Sign "Committee":

This person keeps the school sign current with dates to remember.


Campbell’s Soup Label/Box Tops for Education Committee:

This committee meets one morning a month to cut, sort, organize and count labels. We turn these labels in for money and/or educational equipment.


Arts and Culture Committee Chairs:

Responsible for running the Artist Adventure Program and Fine Arts Day.


Artistic Adventures (formerly known as Picture Person):

This is a great opportunity to get into your child’s classroom once a month! Volunteers teach a prepared art lesson using artists’ prints as a springboard for fun! You are responsible for preparing the lesson (most are already prepared and in folders for you), organizing materials, and presenting the information to the students. You do NOT have to be artistic to do this. It’s easiest to do this with 2-3 adults but can be done with one.


Ways and Means Committee:

This committee determines fundraisers and service opportunities for the school year.



This committee oversees all parts of our annual spring carnival (March 22) including selecting a theme, activities, volunteers, and prizes. Subcommittees include:


Kitchen/Concessions- Set up, run and clean kitchen, and/or cashier.


Solicit donations, organize baskets, and sell raffle tickets during carnival.

Classroom Representative-

To act as liaison between carnival committee, teacher and parents. This role also includes door decorating and organizing volunteers.


*Games- Set up, run and clean classroom game. *Sign up available in January


 School Yearbook Committee:

Responsible for collecting the information and pictures as needed and organizing them for the annual school yearbook. They also handle orders.


Book Fair:

Volunteers help students select and purchase books at the annual book fair (usually in conjunction with the Open House and at the end of year picnic). This is usually a two to three hour commitment.


Welcome Committee:

Consists of people willing to contact and inform new families to Lincoln of upcoming events. These committee members also serve as a contact person for new families.


After School Adventures:

This popular program offers after school activities for LGS students in the form of 4-week sessions in the fall, winter, and spring. Most activities are one hour in length taking place once per week. Committee members help choose topics, arrange for adult volunteers to teach activities and negotiate fees if necessary, inform students of opportunities via sign-up sheets, and work with building principal and teachers on room assignments. Activities have included chess club, Red Cross babysitting, sports activities, martial arts, cooking, oil painting and cartooning, Spanish, science classes, dance classes, Lego classes and more.


Vision and Hearing Screening:

Volunteers get students from classrooms and help supervise during each class’s screenings. There are morning and afternoon sessions (two to three hour commitment).


Picture Day:

Volunteers get students from classrooms and help line them up for pictures. This is a two or three hour commitment. There are two picture days, one in the fall and one in the spring.



Other Volunteer Opportunities:


PTO Board Meetings:

The PTO board meeting is your chance to have a voice as to how PTO funds are being used, discuss new means of supporting our school, and meet other parents. These meetings are brief (usually less than an hour), focused, and offer FREE BABYSITTING!


Room Parents:

Parents/Guardians sign up for classroom parties and other volunteer opportunities in their child’s classroom on "Meet the Teacher Night."